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Thursday, June 20, 2024

Do Accept My Apology .......

I having some situations due to blog post setting issues. I can't update & post my latest post, before this i can't retrieve my logging password. Now, I'm having problem with POP-UP ADS

You may notice that, my blogspot is showing pop up ads, sometimes on click, sometimes on visit. Whenever you click to my post labels or links you will be directed to these pages...............

You may have to click and close the links for several times before getting back to my original page / post. Sadly, until now I can't figure out on how to overcome the issues. It's probably due to a bad 3rd party Widget/Gadget that I have installed on my blog. I have tried my best by removing them one by one, hoping that I find the one responsible but all in vain !

May be some experts out there  can guide me on how to solve these issues. You help is much apreaciated. Thanks in advance !

I Appreciate Your Help So Much.: Blank Lined Journal for Writing 6x9 Flower  Thank You Gifts for Coworkers Inspirational Gag Leaving & Going Away  Favorite Employee Appreciation Office Boss Women - FlowerThanks |


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