Composing begins on 9 March 2016.
Featuring the humble collection of another Southern Thai Great Guru Monk -- Chao Khun Phairoj Narathikhun @ Phra Kru Pairoj Sasanakij (Luang Pu Plub) of Wat Rachsamosorn, Ampur Rueso – ( Resok ) Narathiwat Province. Phra Kru Pairoj Sasanakij was ONE of Tok Raja’s @ Luang Phor Khron Wat Uttamaram Bangsek great disciples and among one of the hundreds SAKSIT Southern monks, Not many people ( especially NEW KAKI @ Newbie ) know about Chao Khun or Phra Kru Phairoj and his stuffs. If you are the real amulets lovers @ collectors, you should start to collect and own his stuffs right after you finish reading this posting. Goreng bang, jangan tak goreng ! Hahahahaha !
The miracle ! After Phra Kru Pairoj Sasanakij Moranak (demised) his body was never decomposed, miraculously and naturally mummified instead ---by natural forms of mummification and preservation. This is not an easy thing to be happened, the human body is meant for decomposition, and the process will occur rapidly after death.
"You live, you die, you rot !"
At least, for most of us will do. However, there have been people throughout history whose bodies have stubbornly refused to decompose as expected. These "incorruptible" corpses are often the remains of people said to be saints or revered figures. Are these bodies miracles, scientific curiosities, or fakes?
Chao Khun Phairoj Narathikhun @ Phra Kru Pairoj Sasanakij's mummified body happened by natural forms of mummification and preservation not because of Embalming Processes. Embalming is the art and science of preserving human remains by treating them (in its modern form with chemicals - Embalming Fluids) to forestall decomposition. The intention is to keep them suitable for public display at a funeral, for religious reasons, or for medical and scientific purposes such as their use as anatomical specimens.
As ONE of Tok Raja’s @ Luang Phor Khron Wat Uttamaram Bangsek great disciples, Chao Khun Phairoj used to reside in Wat Uttamaram for certain periods. According to late Phor Mor Keaw, Phra Kru Pairoj learnt RARE wichah from late Than Kong. Some of the rare wichah were ..........
* To tame the wild animals.
* To call upon the flying bird to stop onto his palm.
* Saadong Klab ( rebound the -Ve into +Ve ).
* Khongkrapan Chatri ( invulnerability ).
* Gambang Ton ( invisible before enemies eyes ). * Metta Endu ( mahaniyom and mahasaneh ).
One of the rare wichah - wichah to call upon the flying bird to stop by onto his palm was only taught by Than Kong to his selected looksiks – in Kelantan, late Than Thit, the former abbot of Wat Maisuwankiri, Bukit Tanah, Tumpat ( Late Than Dee’s uncle ) was endowed with this wichah. Phor Mor Cau Nan used to share the story about late Than Thit and this rare wichah. Phor Mor Cau Nan said, late Than Thit recited the khatas and used his right hand to wave at the flying bird and pointing directly onto his left palm. Amazingly, wild Ketitir ( Turtle Dove ) flew and stopped onto his palm and flown off a few second later.
Phor Mor Cau Nan added that late Than Thit refused to teach and pass down the wichah as he said once you learnt the wichah you have to practise it and once you have practise it you ought to misuse, when you misused it you have to bear the consequences - AYUT SARN !
Phor Mor Cau Nan and Nen Chuan ( another Than Kong's looksik ( hearing impaired ) from Chap Sa Hang @ Lemal, Pasir Mas - demised last 8 months ) asked further the reason why Than Thit refused to teach them. The only response that they got was........
" Mai Dai, Yar Rian......... Ayut Sarn"
( Cannot, don't learn....... you will short-live)
Back to the discussion ........ during his lifetime Phra Kru Pairoj Sasanakij made few batches of amulets. Phra Kru Pairoj SPECIALLY MADE 2 BATCHES of amulets after he had got a mysterious dream which ordered him to consecrate a special phim amulets to give away to the devotees ( especially police and arm forces ) in order to help them to overcome the obstacles and hindrances, gain safety and to fight fearlessly during the battlefield. The 2 batches of amulets are called ;
(1) Phra Phong Phuthanimit 2504
(2) Phra Samnak KhunPaen UkTik 2509
Phra Phong Phuthanimit 2504
Phra Phong Phuthanimit 2504 was made in 3 phims. The phims are…….
1. Phra Yod Khun Phon (Khun Paen Nang Thaeng)
2. Phra Phuthak Leela (Khun Paen Kha Jing)
3. Roobmeurn Phra Kru Pairoj Sasanakij

Phra Yod Khun Phon or widely known as Phra Khun Paen Nang Thaen
by locals @ certain parties
( 1st batch and special phim with Bodhi leaf marks and janrakh coated)
( 1st batch @ broken block )
( 1st batch @ 2nd block )
Why there were 2 blocks ? 1st batch and redo batch ? Certain parties claimed that, the very 1st batch of Yod Khun Phon a.k.a Khun Phaen Nang Thaen is Phim Block Taeg ( broken block line ). The natural marks of broken block that only be discovered during the pumping process. The new block was made in order complete the making process.
Another source regarding this phim is ( according to some local folks in Resoe ) actually there were 2 blocks made for this Yod Khun Phon and no such as redo block for this phim. The 2 blocks were made at the same time and by chance, during hand moulding processes one of the block was cracked / broken. Correct me, if i'm wrong !
Roob Meurn Phra Kru Pairoj

Phra Phong Phuthak Leela Phong Phuthanimit
or widely known as Phra Khun Paen Kha Jing by locals @ certain parties
Out of three phims of Phra Phong Phuthanimit made, Phra Phuthak Leela can be considered as rare phim because of the limited numbers made and the super power embedded. Phor Luang Keaw said that, in early stage of making this Phra Phong Thepnimit Phra Phuthak Leela Whises AnuPhap Roi Pet (108). Phra Kru Pairoj brought the PHONG THEPNIMIT to Bangsek and the phong was properly blessed by late Than Kong during 3 months Khao Phansa periods.
This rare phim of Phra Phong Thepnimit Phutak Leela is sought after by Phrakru's amulets die hard fans because this was the only phim ( rare and limited numbers ) that being brushed with lacquer. There are two types of surface of this Phra Leela, the plain surface and the lacquer-brushed surface. The lacquer-brushed surface items are rather easier to verify than the plain-surfaced due to the nature of lacquer that used to harden the amulets.
This batch of amulets are special indeed. Local folks used to mention........ "Run ni, Run Phisek, Mi Winjan Achan Khong, Winjan Khun Paen, Khao Phratab Sung Plugsek Torlod Phithi". During the Phithiphisek the spirit of Phra Khun Paen (General Khun Paen's spirit) and the holy spirit of Luang Pu Khong (Ancient Khun Paen's master) through a medium to bless the amulets. This batch of amulets were kept in the ubosot and be blessed continuously by Phrakru Pairoj for 3 months of Khao Vansa retreat. Correct me, if i'm wrong !
In general, this Phra Phuthak Leela endowed with superb power of Sadong Klab, Maha Amnaj, Khong Khraparn Chatri, Maha Ud and Metta Endu. Local Resoe used to share his experience while wearing this phim. He went to consult a dentist. During the treatment procedure, the dentist unable to give a local anaesthetic jab, the needle could not penetrate his gum. After several attempts, the dentist failed to carry out the procedure. The man then handed over his Phra Phuthak Leela to his wife before the dentist proceeded with the jab and miraculously the dentist was able to carry out the task and successfully to extract his rotten tooth !
Phra Samnak KhunPaen UkTik 2509
Phra Samnak KhunPaen Uk Tik 2509 @ Phra Phong Khongcaichum (followed the secrets of making Phong Khongcaichum by Achan Chum Chaikiri) was made in 4 phims. All 4 phims are in Lang Baep (凹凸 imprint ). Khun Paen effigy is in 凸 design and Luang Pu Kong ( Ancient guru of General Khun Paen ) effigy is in 凹 imprint. The 4 phims are…….
1. KhunPaen Om Dap ( Holding a sword )
2. KhunPaen Pluk Kumarn (Evoking the Gumarn )
3. KhunPaen Samadhi ( Meditating Posture)
4. KhunPaen Nang Meung ( Touches Both Knees )
KhunPaen Pluk Kumarn Lang Baap (凹凸 imprint ) Luang Pu Kong
KhunPaen Nang Meung Lang Baep (凹凸 imprint ) Luang Pu Kong
This Phra Khun Paen made of various Phong (sacred powders ), including Phong Thepnimit, Phong Chang Pasom Klom, and left over Luang Pu Khong's bone fragment ( powder ) from Achan Chum Chaikiri.
PHRA PHUTHANIMIT BE 2504 and PHRA SAMNAK KHUN PAEN UK TIK BE 2509 were blessed in 2 different grand ceremonies for 3 days and 2 nights. On both ceremonies, Phra Kru Pairoj was the master of the ceremony. These grand chanting ceremonies were, also co-blessed by other Southern Great Achans such as;
- Achan Chum Chaikiri,
- Luang Phor Dum Tuyong,
- Achan Nam QaewJan of Wat Donsala,
- Luang Pu Khong of Wat Ban Suan Phatthalung.
- Others Southern great monks from Khao Or's line, - The spirit of Phra Khun Paen ( Khun Paen's spirit ),
- The holy spirit of Luang Pu Khong ( Ancient
Khun Paen's Guru )
These 2 batches of Phra Kreung (Phra Phuthanimit and Phra Samnak Khun Paen Uk Tik ) were sought after by Achan Chum Chaikiri's diehard fans, even some parties claimed these 2 batches of Phra Kreung as Achan Chum Chaikiree's creation. Achan Chum's close looksik used to share his own story when he revealed that Achan Chum PERSONALLY KEPT few pieces of these batches ( Yod Khun Phon and Phra leela Phong Thepnitmit ). His looksik added that, Achan Chum claimed that these 2 batches of Phra Kreung are as good as his earlier 'Khao Ork' batches of Phra Kreung.
These phra kreung are superb for all round purposes (of course ONLY for those who believe in the Buddhakhun of these batches of Phra Kreung ) such as;
i. Sadong Klab (Rebound the bad to good),
ii. Metta Maha Endu (Admiration @ Compassion),
iii. Klad Klaew (Escaped from Mishap),
iv. Khongkrapan Chatri (Invulnerability)
v. Maha-Ud (Bullet Proof ),
vi. Nir-Antarai (Prevent Danger, Fire @ Accidents)
Other Phra Kreung by Phra Kru Pairoj
Besides of these 2 grand amulets, there were another creations from Phra Kru Pairoj such as;
- Phra Phut-Raj Chathorn Sin Ha (5), 5" Ong-Bucha
- Phrakru Pairoj's 5" Ong-Bucha 2504
- Rian Luang Pu Buddha-Raj 2507
- Phra Kring Buddhasila 2511 - Lor Boran
- Phrakru's Loy Ong - Pump
- Phrakru's Rian Sema 2517
- Palakid
- Look Om etc
Phrakru Pairoj 5" 'Poon' Ong-Bucha 2504
Phrakru Pairoj's 'Neur Poon' 5" lap Ong-Bucha 2504 ( Resin + Plaster materials, 100% same materilas with late Achan Chum's Ong-Bucha) is the new item collected to complete the collection of Phrakru Pairoj's.
This bucha looks brand new because the previous owner well kept & preserved this bucha. The previous owner kept this bucha inside the glass display cases. TQVM Mr Law for helping me to secure this superb bucha.
Rian Phra Phut / Buddha Raj 2507

Phra Kru Pairoj Alpaka Rian 2517

Phra Kring Buddhasila ( Lor Boran ) 2511
Besides Phra Phuthak Leela, this Phra Kring Buddhasila also can be considered as the best creation ever by Phra Kru Pairoj's. This ( lor boran ) Phra Kring Buddhasila Neur Thongleurn Rom Dum material is very rare nowadays. The feature phra kreung was made of various types of ancient metals including the broken ancient temple bell, broken Buddha images, broken narpan (ancient plougher), ancient cannon / cannon ball and etc - As per retold to me by late Mor Keaw. If Mor Keaw ever bluffed me, just consider that i'm bluffing u all too kay ! The Kring Buddhasila was then stuffed with rare Phong Itije and Phong Buddhakhun before being sealed with clay and coated with the latex from janrak tree for the greatest power.
This Phra Kring Buddhasila was / is popular among Thai Police and Army for its Buddhakhun Soung Cing Cing (Real embedded power) and Prabsobkan (real life experience) of Khlew Khlad / Khlad Khlew Plokpai (drive away danger and mishap) and Khan Satra-Avut (Protection against all types of weapons). Correct me, if i'm wrong !
Base on writer's own experienced this Phra Kring Buddhasila endowed with 108 powers. Writer used to utilise the embedded power of this phra kring to perform a wichah on a ( clues / causes / remedies ) bed ridden man because of spiritual problem and a mechanic ( poor business ) because of voodoo / black magic influenced.
Friend of mine ( Mr Law ) shared his old time story regarding this Phra Kring Buddhasila. He said that, he used to talk to Resoe local folks and they claimed that during the Phuthapisek ceremony many devotees witnessed the rare phenomenon when they saw some clear direct light / ray shone directly into the Ubosot. Go and grab one !
Phra Phut-Raj Chatorn Sin Ha ( 5 )
"Nai Song Kid, Tang Thanakcai Shang Thuai"
This Lor Boran Phra Phut-Raj Chatorn Sin Ha was made by his looksik and was handed over (Shang Thuai) to Phra Kru Pairoj to be blessed and distributed to the devotees.
FYI, this blog post was completed on August 16 but because of the friendly request from my friends to hold my horse and delay the posting of this post, I have to reschedule the posting to end of October. The only reason given to me is..... after your posting, for sure some of the Phrakru's Phra Kreung price will sky rocketing ! Hahahahahahaha 'Ou Booo' ?
Guys, dun believe me blindly, go and ask around those who so-called themselves as a bunch of EXPERTS in VERIFYING all types of Phra Kreung & Kreung Rang ! Bear in mind that i'm not an expert here. Frankly, me ? Small potatoes indeed !
See ya !
Khata for Phra Kru Pairoj amulets …………..
General Khata ( all purposes )
Khata Peun Taeg @ to broke or jam the fire arm
Khata for Metta Maha Endu..........................
Sorry ! Dotted lines je yang dapat dikongsikan di sini. Takut nanti ada plak para achan BIJAKSANA yang MAHA QUALIFIED lagi SELECTED kata saya ni hanya pandai boasting via blog aje, actually saya ni KOSONG ! Ya, saya ni KOSONG & SEMBANG kencang je bang !
Sooooooo what ???
Composing ends on 15 August 2016.
Merely sharing @ perkongsin semata !
sabbe satta sukhita hontuk !
wie.sukhihotu din daeng 16 !