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Thursday, June 27, 2024

“Michael Jackson Pidta @ Khantuar Pidta ?”

 Composing starts on 05 November  2023.   

***ikut mung la, atah mum blako.........***

 “M. Jackson Pidta @ Khantuar Pidta ?” 


Phra Pidnar ( covering face figurine ) @ Phra Pidtar      (covering eyes figurine) is one of the most distinguished and recognizable figurine, featuring a monk sitting down in a half or full lotus position with both of his hands covering his face @ eyes. 

The literal translation of "Pidnar" @ "Pidtar" mean t0 close the face or eyes and these postures are said to make one impervious to surrounding by blocking out external influences and distractions.  

There are various depictions of the Phra Pidtas, some may featuring eight up to ten arms. This signifies the closure of the six senses where the ultimate focus and peace can be attained. Phra Pidta is very popular votive tablet not only in Thailand but also both in Malaysia and Singapore.

The in-depth discussion on this topic will be focusing on the “KhanTuar” diction a.k.a “Body Shielding” from naïve Kelantanese ( Bangsek’s Vichah ) point of view.

Bringing up this topic is merely for sharing. Sharing purposes per se, neither to challenge nor boast myself over here. Achans / Monks / Phor Mors / Nuras etc, you are welcome to agree to disagree with the topic / post and do correct me if I’m wrong !

The “KhanTuar” a.k.a “Body Shielding” phrase in simple word means to protect / shield oneself from the ………

·    black magic @ voodoo,
·    danger @ harm,
·    ghost @ evil spirit,
·    enemies,
·    misfortune,
·    etc ……..

If you are from Bangsek’s Vichah lineage you definitely will get the whole picture on the topic that I’m going to share here.

Looking back to my blogpost caption …….

   Michael Jackson Pidta @ Khantuar Pidta ?”.
Many of naïve pidta @ pidnar fans will LOLROF ( laugh out loud and roll on the floor whenever they come across this type of KhanTuar Pidta. Some may make fun of it, as for them this weird designs of Phra Pidta are FAKE, not acceptable and NON-STANDARD forms of Phra Pidta that then later been labelled as “MJ Pidta” - without knowing the real under lying meaning of those Phra Pidta designs / postures / gestures.

Pidta KhanTuar by Phor Than Tern BE 2562 – Wat Ban Teng


These Luang Phor Tern’s KhanTuar Pidtas were labelled as MJ Pidta” and some of the naïve newbies poke fun at this KhanTuar Pidta collectors and even offered blunder mistakes by poking fun at them ……...


How many kilos do you want ?

What a super powerful MJ Pidta !

Wah cover the as* also !


My sincere advice to you all is................
 ( the advice goes to me as well ) 
You sound stupid when you talk. So, don't speak if you don't know what you're talking about !  
Phor Than Tern, Wat Ban Teng, Songkhla.


This type of KhanTuar Pidta gestures are the MANIFESTATION of keeping oneself free from …………..

    ·    black magic @ voodoo,

·    danger @ harm,
·    ghost @ evil spirit,
·    enemies @ backstabber,
·    malicious @ malevolent,
·    misfortune @ ill-fated,
·    etc ……..

In Kelantan particularly, these type of gestures (right hand covering head and left hand covering belly or some covering right waist ) are the KhanTuar Gestures which were inherited from our late Than Kong @ Than Khron @ Tok Raja Khron.

If you used to study vichah under Phor Mor that inherited @ used to learn Bangsek bomoh knowledge, you definitely will be taught these gestures on the very first day of your waikroo @ jork kroo @ bomoh lesson.

MOST of the QUALIFIED Phor Mor and WELL-KNOWN monks in Kelantan will perform @ practise these gestures before performing any rituals, especially when dealing with those complicated paranormal rituals @ thingy. Even before performing the “Bai Born” vichah – Yam leaf ritual ( Tutung a.k.a Pedarn ), it’s a MUST for bomoh to recite the KhanTuar mons to shield themselves.

Most of Bangsek’s and Mahnora’s lineage,  believe that these KHANTUAR GESTURES enable our body to be safeguarded and shielded byKamPheng Qaew 7 Chan” a.k.a 7 Crystal Layers of Protection.

Phra Kampheng Qaew 7 Chan by LP Chong Wat NangTaNok, 
photo taken from internet source – Credit to


Phor Mor Kaew used to mention that whoever chanted this KhanTuar khata in daily basis, he or she will be shielded @ covered with 7 layers of Crystal Armor and safeguarded from all dangers and he will never be harmed and defeated by the enemy. As stated in 2 of the khan tuar khatas below………………..

“ Satru Bian Gu Mai Dai………..”

In return, the enemy will be destroyed by some strange phenomenon because of the reflective result from the magic power of “KamPheng Qaew 7 Chan” protection shield.

Late Cau Nan used to say ( Kelantanese dialect )...…

Cho Dter, Kui Kui Bak Kut Pung. Bo Tiok !

Just cast / send how many voodoo that you want. It won’t be able to harm you

Below are some of the KhanTuar khatas, that consist of these verses…..

……KamPheng Qaew Jet Chan……

   ……Ma Khan Tuar Ku……

   ......Om Sithi …………….

There are many versions of mons @ khatas to be recited @ associated with those KhanTuar gestures. Different gurus /achans / phor mors might use the different mons while performing those gestures.

Below are 5 KhanTuar Mon / Khata samples, 3 of it are the original Bangsek’s KhanTuar Mons that inherited from Tok Raja @ Than Kong by various Phor Mor - Mor Kaew, Mor Taharp and Mor Cau Nan. The other 2 mons are from Kelantan’s Mahnora and Khao Ork’s Lineage

For instance ……….

( incomplete mons / khatas, please do not recite to avoid back-fire !
 Mon 01 ……

Phutthang Pachak…..,

Thammang Pachak…..,

Sangkhang Pachak…..,

Nak Phu…………….




Yakh.………… Ray.


 Mon 02 …..

Phuthang Khan ………………,

Thammang Khan ……………,

Sangkhang Khan ……………,

……………………Tuar Gu.

Pid ……………….. Gao.

Lom ……………… Gao.



Mon 03 …..

PhuthangKhan …………… Khan,

Thammang Khan…………Khan,

Sangkhang Khan…………Khan.


PhuthangKhan Nak……Khan……,

Thammang Khan Nak…..Khan…..,

Sangkhang Khan Nak…..Khan…...

Mon 04 …..

Om Khan …………… Khan,

Kru Haiy ……………...……,



Thang Phee Th…………,

Thang Phee Ph.………..,

Thang …………………….,

Thang Sadt …………,

Thang Sadt U Batd .……….,


…….Bian Gu Mai Mai Dai



Mon 05 …..


Bian Gu Mai Dai……,
Bian Gu Mai Loo …..,

To add on, besides right hand covering head and left hand covering belly or covering right waist gestures, some other KhanTuar Pidta  designs and gestures are depicting both hands ( crossed hands ) covering chest instead of eyes, some pidtas depicting gestures of squatting ( Uk Nai Khan – foetus @ baby in mother’s womb) a.k.a MANIFESTATION of getting a complete  protection from mother.
Example of foetus / baby in the womb.

The gestures are parallel with the KhanTuar & Nai Khan Pidta gestures.



Nai Khan Pidta by Achan Jed, Wat Khao Deng Tawarn Dtok, Phathalung.


 A temple from Kedah collaborates with Wat Uttamaran used to produce this type of KhanTuar amulet - both hands ( crossed hands ) covering chest instead of eyes.

Than Boon KhanTuar Pidta, photo taken from other internet sources.


It’s a new form of Phra KhanTuar in Malaysia, because as far as I concerned, this type of figurine never been produced by any temple before and because of this gesture, some devotees kinda confused and named this Phra Pidta as Phra Pert Ta ( Open eyes ) instead of Phra KhanTuar.
 Than Nit’s KhanTuar Pidta.
Phra Khru Buddha Jayodom @ Than Nit of Wat Sungai Soi, Kuantan & Wat Mahamettaram Bentong, Pahang used to produce this Khan Tuar Pidta in BE2557. This phra pidta is 80 % parallel to the KHAN TUAR GESTURES that I have mentioned above. 20% slightly different. To be exact, the left and right hands positions ( left hand covering head and right hand covering chest ) are in contrast with the gestures that I have mentioned above ( right hand covering head and left hand covering right waist ). As I said before, differ guru / lineage might have the differ WAYS of performing khan tuar gestures. To read more about Than Nit’s KhanTuar Pidta, kindly log on to…………..

As i said before, only those who have been enlightened with the KhanTuar khatas and pidta, including Phra Pidta Nai Khan would be able to produce such unique creation, as the creation of this KhanTuar Pidta involves sophisticated do’s and don’ts, including the specific khatas @ mons to be recited to evoke such super power for KhanTuar purposes. 
Furthermore, series of special Phuthaphisek a.k.a Plugsaeg ceremonies to consecrate the KhanTuar Pidta are crucially needed for absolute power otherwise the KhanTuar Pidta will only remain as the normal and business oriented phra pidta that flooded in amulet markets.
Phra  Pidta Nai Khan by Phor Kae Chau Seng, Ban Trang.
Below are the examples of KhanTuar gestures by various White Shirt Achans and Mahnora performer. Some may claim that these gestures are not ONLY the KhanTuar gestures but these gestures are ALSO used when the master wants to perform the chanting / reciting @ Plugsaeg rituals. As for me, from my naïve knowledge. I strongly believe that these gestures are the KhanTuar gestures by qualified achan before any rituals conducted and taken place. Do correct me if I’m wrong ! 

 White shirt @ Layman Achan from Thailand, performing Khan Tuar rituals / gestures.
 Photos taken from other internet sources….


Mahnora Perfomer performing Khan Tuar rituals / gestures.

Photos taken from other internet sources….


The body ( chest ) crossed gesture depicts below by Achan Prasoot of Wat Nai Thaw, Trang  is said to be the famous Taksila Khao Ork KhanTuar’s gesture ( do correct me if I’m wrong ! ).

The KreungRang figurine, with crossed chest gesture is called Phya Mi Kaiyasik Satra a.k.a Psychic Bear inherited  from Achan Nai Thaw fore-master - Phra Achan Saeng who used to study vichah under Phra Achan Thong Thao of Wat KhaoOrk, Patthalung. This Phya Mi Kaiyasik gesture is similar to one of the KhanTuar gestures that I have mentioned above.

According to the official leaflets and Wat Nai Thaw’s spokesman, this Psychic Bear is a superb kreung rang not only for protection ( KhanTuar ) against evils, black magic, back stabber but also embedded with khan phee and metta  (discard omen and bad spirit including loving kindness). The rare materials used to stuff beneath of the Phya Mi are the real bear’s skin and tooth.

Made in BE2564 by Achan Prasoot

Real bear skin and tooth

 Another perspective / discussion on KhanTuar to be pondered with is……… “ILMU PALO NASI” a.k.a “NASI KEPAL”a.k.a Rice Ball.  

This unique vichah only taught to and by certain Phor Mor in Kelantan. Most of the youngsters @ newbies are not aware about this unique vichah. This PALO NASI vichah actually not only used by Kelantanese bomoh as KhanTuar vichah but also widely used by Khao Ork lineages as vichah for Khongkhaparn Chatri and MahaUd.

Back in 1993/94, my mom and relative introduced me to the famous Mahnora Performer – Nura Chum ( the young Ea’ Chum not the old legendary Nura Chum ). House beside / in front of paddy field in the  deep Siamese settlement in front of Wat JongKao a.k.a Wat Machimaram. During the 2nd visit, when I arrived there, Nura Chum and his fellow Nura performers were having their lunch and by chance I saw Nura Chum was ‘PREPARING’ Palo Nasi @ Nasi Kepal prior to his first bite.

I saw Nura Chum made-up 3 rice balls and swallowed ( without chewing ) it one by one. I saw Nura Chum reciting the mons while moulding the Palo Nasi with his bare hand. After completing his meal, we have the chit-chatting and I asked him about the vichah and he said it’s Ilmu Palo Nasi. I bowed and asked for his ANUYAK / ALUYAK to learn the vichah. Nura Chum smiled and said …………………………………. to be continued in the next posting ! Stay tuned ! Hahahaha !

Our conversation goes on and before leaving home, I saw a piece of Nibong wood on the ‘GELEGAR’ – girder. When asked further, Nura Chum clarified that it was the special “Nibong Tunggal Panahan Petir” . The wood was once used to hang the LukMit in Wat Jong Kao before. He took the shortest one and gave to me and said “go and made some blank tongkat. Make 3 and I will do 1 for you”.  Stay tuned !  I will show and discuss about this tongkat in my next posting as well.

According to Phor Kae Kaew @ Mor Keaw, there are many usages of this vichah. It depends on the Mons / Khatas that you recite. It can be used for KhongKhaParn, KhanTuar, KhlewKhad and Metta.

Another guru monk that owned this vichah Palo Nasi is Than Noon of Wat Pauh Limo a.k.a Wat Ariyakiri. If you are lucky enough, you will witness how Than Noon performs Palo Nasi prior to his lunch ( not daily, but if I’m not mistaken only on Tuesday and Thursday ). Than Noon said, his Palo Nasi vichah is learnt from his late achan, Than Lek himself. Than Noon’s Palo Nasi vichah is strictly for KhanTuar purposes.

From my naïve knowledge, there are various mons / khatas associate with this Palo Nasi. Including one Malay Ayat for ……(rahsia)….. Hahahahaha !

( incomplete mons / khatas, please do not recite to avoid back-fire !

 Sample 01 ( Khan Tuar )

Om Ku Look Cau..................


Tuar Ku Kher…………………..

Tuar Ku Cau ……………………



 Sample 02 ( KhongKhraPan )


Tuar …………………….

Sai ……………………….


……….Paein Khong……….

……… Paein Lek……………

……….Paein Nam………….


 Sample 03 ( KhongKhraPan )

Kay San……………..….……….

Kay San...………………………..

Nerk Merk Pherk Therk…….




 Sample 04 ( Metta )

Nik Ma Maa, Arahang ……….

Maa Nit Ma……………………….






 Sample 05 ( Malay Ayat )

( incomplete ayat & strictly for Non-Muslim sharing purposes only ! )


Aku Tahu Asalmu.

Jadi mari…….……..…………….

Besi Terpancut …..…..…………

Besi ……… Asal Mulanya…….

Berkat Aku..……………………….



Talking back to the KhanTuar vichah, the core function of the KhanTuar is to seal the body from all forms negative elements and influences, including the evil forces. Apart from sealing our body physically, the KhanTuar pidta @ khatas also capable of blocking the 9 nature elements @ directions @ human weakness points in human body. Similar to Tao-Chinese Feng Shui 9 Directions concept.

……Cak Pid……….

 ……Phratu Lom, Thang Kao……...


These 9 weakness points allow @ enable WIND & WATER elements TO PENETRATE a.k.a enter the human body.

The Phratu – door ( depicted the weakness points ) that believe to be harmful if the opponent @ rival @ enemy cast the voodoo via……….

WIND – Lom



This black magic which was sent @ casted by WIND – Lom and WATER - Nam widely known as SANTAU ( Angin & Minum / Makan ) in Malaysia.

What are the Phratu Lom and Phratu Nam in human body that would enable the voodoo / black magic / santau to ENTER ( harm ) human body easily ? In my naïve knowledge ( correct me, if I’m wrong bout this !), the Phratu Lom and Phratu Nam in human body are :

- sinciput
- mouth
- nostril 
- ears
- eyes
- belly button
- anus
- etc ……………..

 Unknown 2 sided Phra  Pidta Phakhawan

Featuring the 8-hand postures covering various Phratu Lom and Nam


According to my late foster Grandpa – Phor Kae Gaew, these 9-Phratu believed to be associated with the different ways of soul leaving human body. Different person ( with his / her karma ) will experience the different ways of soul departing - death. Parapsychology believes that the separation of the soul from the body, that is the ending of life and soul leaves via ear, mouth, nose, and forehead after someone dies.

Most of us do believe that the different ways of soul departure ( through these 9-Phratu  ) actually indicates / brings / connotates the different meanings @ signs. 

The video is ONLY for sharing purposes. Therefore,
I held no responsible for any contents linked or referred to / from this video.

Back to the main discussion ………………..

Besides Monk, Achan and Phor Mor, the SAPARER ( undertaker ) also will use certain Khan Tuar khatas to shield his body before performing ritual (during cremation procedures). Prior to that, the SAPARER will recite the khata and blow the khata onto his hand-palm before touching / holding / collecting bone ashes from the cremation site. Even before casting / discarding voodoo, the sorcerer / witch-doctor / shaman a.k.a BOMOH will shield his body to avoid re-bounce  @ back-fire !

By and large, please don’t make a hasty and malicious judgment before learning or considering all the facts especially when we came across those Khan Tuar gestures Pidtas.

The Buddha used to offer this sound and sensible advice:

To make a quick judgement does not make one right. The wise person looks at both sides of the matter, with fairness, impartiality, watchful of the truth, wisely and without haste. Such a person is called righteous” '(Dhp. 256-7).

The Buddha used to rebuke Migsala saying How do you know the complexity of human character?

The Buddha replied “ Whoever judges others, digs a pit for themselves.” Those who obsess about the sins of others are usually those most in need of repentance.


Composing ends on 25 Mac  2024.

***ikut mung la, atah mum blako.........***

Merely Sharing @ Perkongsian Semata !

sabbe satta sukhita hontuk !

**********************Muhasabah Diri *******************





 Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu !