Luang Phor Moon, Wat Khao Daeng Tawarn Ork,
Featuring the brief story of one of
the Present Time Great Guru - Luang Phor Moon, Wat Khao Daeng Tawarn Ork,
Phathalung. Luang Phor Moon Born in 6th April ( Saturday ) BE 2440.
When Luang Phor Moon was 6 years old his parent sent him to be ordained as
novice monk at Wat Khao Daeng Tawarn Ork, Phathalung until age of 17 and then formally
ordained as a monk on 3rd May
BE 2457 and Phra Kru Intha Morlee was his mentor monk.
On 10th May ( Sunday ), at age
of 20 in B.E 2460 Luang Phor Moon followed
Achan Ditd of Wat Pha Kha Sarak and given a Buddhist name as "Yar Sar
Roh". In Year BE 2490 he was then officially appointed as Wat Khao Daeng Tawarn
Ork abbot.
Luang Phor Moon learned magic and wichah direct from late Achan Thong Thao’s
lineage of Wat Khao Ork, Phathalung. Luang Phor Moon was good in mediation and
magic he had a superb command of Pali and Cambodian languages. Luang Phor Moon
also learnt wichah from ancient Cambodia scroll and learnt an ancient sacred herbal
medicine. Luang Phor Moon was one of the famous and prominent guru monk from
Phak Thaiy ( Southern Thai ) and old folks in Phathalung province respect / admire
him as an expert in ancient traditional medication and sacred magic. He also being
invited by many monks and temples to bless amulets for soldier troupe during Indo-China
War and WWII. In addition, according to the local folks from nearby Wat Khao Daeng Tawarn Ork, LP Moon possesed / endowed with the super natural power of being at the 2 different places at the same time.

Luang Phor Moon had completed 65 Phansa / Vansa ( monkhood )
and attained Parrinibbanna on BE 2526 ( Monday ), 10th January 1983 at age of
86 years old. During his lifetime, Luang Phor Moon created many types of sacred
amulets to be distributed to the devotees. He used his wichah dan traditional
medicine knowledge to gather and make the sacred amulets. Luang Phor Moon to be
believed to start to create his first amulet as early as BE 2497( when he was
around 56 / 57 years old ). The very first and earlier batch of amulets were
made of 108 wanj ( ancient sacred herbs ) coated with the sacred black lacquer.
The later batch amulets were his rian, 5 Buddhas rien, his pump roob meurn,
wanj roob meurn and phra somdej. After his Parrinibbanna his amulets were sought
after by many Phathalung’s Amulets die Hard. Some of his amulets were expensive
and it is very rare and hard to find nowadays.
Featuring my little collection of Luang Phor Moon’s Phra Kreung
and Kreung Lang. LUCKY ! That’s the only word that can be used to describe my
Luang Phor Moon’s stuffs. Friend of mine, in his late 60s was from Phatalung Province.
Married to local Din Daeng girl and permanently settled down and resided in Din
Daeng ( Tanah Merah, Kelantan ). In late 70s and early 80s ( before Luang Phor
Moon parribbinana, according to my friend of course ! ). Luang Phor Moon’s
amulets were given free to devotees.
Before he decided to migrate to Malaysia in late 70s, he
went to Wat Khao Daeng and met Luang Phor Moon for blessing and sacred amulet
as their protection while travelling, Luang Phor Moon gave him some of the
amulets, my friend said Luang Phor Moon asked my friend to self collect the
amulets. My friend said at that time he just grabbed the Phra Naprok Phim Yai and
his waist hand written takrut.
After experiencing the superb super power of Luang Phor
Moon’s amulets, my friend went back to Phathalung to INVITE / GET more amulets
after the parrinibbana of Luang Phor Moon. My friend said, he and his friend did
the HUGE THAMBOON ( after getting a job with a handsome paid in Malaysia ) and
they had collected almost every phim of
Luang Phor Moon’s Phra Kreung and Kreung Lang including his hand written
pharyant, Phra Leela takrut and hand crafted
ivory Singha.

According to my friend, he said Luang Phor Moon’s Phra
Kreung and Kreung Lang are sought after because of it KHLEW KHAD, KHONG KHAPARN & MAHA AMNAJ effects. 1n early 80s, when he went back to
Phathalung, he was apprehended by SELDADU ( Thai’s police ! ) because they were
visited / came back from Phathalung. They were questioned for their purposes of
visiting Phathalung. This is because at that time ( late 70s and early 80s ),
Phathalung was considered as BLACK AREA,
there were bandit / gangster scattered around Phathalung. According to the
legend, it was 5
SEURs eras ( 5 Tigers eras – 5 Dandits eras -- Suer Dam ). They
robbed the rich and helped the poor. It just like modern ROBBIN HOOD !
These 5 tiger bandits ( Ha Seur ), not a gang of normal
bandits, they were ARMED TO THE TEETH, they learnt magic from Khao
Ork – Achan Thong Thao’s lineage. They can make their track invisible to the
police and endowed with khong khaparn chatri – invulnerable to the gun and
sharp objects. The only person that can challenge these tiger bandits are
General Khun Parn Phantaradej.
To cut it short and back to the topic …….. ALL of my Luang
Phor Moon’s Phra Kreung / Kreung Lang were RENTED personally from Mr Wut ( my Phathalung friend ) 11 - 14 years back with
a reasonable RENTED price ! But in this lately the price, flung ! Phra Naprok Phim
Lek for instance, I rented it at RM180 in year 1999 but now I have to pay RM350
– RM 450 for the same piece from the amulet market. RM 500 - 700 for the Phra
Chau Ha Phra Ong and RM 300 – 500 for his somdej. What the price, time changes ! Up up and away
…… ! hahahahahaha
Phra Chau Ha Phra Ong ( 5 Buddhas
sitting on the mystical animals zodiac )
This 5 Buddhas wanj material amulet was made in BE 2497 (
1953 ). The very first and earlier batch of amulets was made of 108 wanj (
sacred herbs ) coated with the sacred lacquer. The amulet features the 5
Buddhas ( 3 previous Buddhas and 1 present Buddha and 1 future Buddha to be )
sitting / residing on the 5 sacred animal zodiacs. These animals presenting the years of these 5
Buddhas were born. The reverse side of the amulets is the Maha Yant Phra Chao 5
Phra Ong or The Great Script of 5 Buddhas. It's composed of five Khom letters
in lotus shape. The Maha Yant is widely used by great guru monks to create
powerful amulets.
Who are those 5 Buddhas ? They are Gaku Sandho Buddha, Gona
Kamano Buddha, Gassapo Buddha, Sakyamuni Gotama Buddha (the present-epoch
Buddha), and Sri Ariya Maitreiya Buddha (the future Buddha). The short names or
initials of the 5 Buddhas are NA MO PHUT THA YAK. The cores of many Thai
Mantras or Khatas are mainly come from these Buddhas' initial.
NAK è 1st Buddha – Gaku Sandho Buddha
MOR è 2nd Buddha
– Gona Kamano Buddha
PHUT è 3rd
Buddha - Gassapo Buddha
THAK è The present Buddha -
Sakya Muni Gotama Buddha
The future Buddha - Sri Ariya Maitreya Buddha
Correct me, if I’m wrong !
Phra Prok Pho @ Phra
Naprok Phim Lek
This Phra Naprok was made in BE
2497. Same batch and using the same materials with the Phra Chao Ha Phra Ong.
Phra Prok Pho @ Phra
Naprok Phim Yai
This Phra Naprok Phim Yai was also
made in BE 2497 ( 1953 ). Same batch with the Phra Chao Ha Phra Ong and Phra
Naprok Phim Lek. Luang Phor Moon used the same 108 wanj and sacred material to
create this Phra Naprok. Superb for Khlew Khad and Kongkhaparn Chatry effects.
Rian Phra
Chau Ha Phra Ong ( 5 Buddhas coin )
This 5 Buddhas coin was made in BE 2508 ( 1964 ), featuring
5 Buddhas sitting / residing on the Bodhi tree with the 3 different postures -
giving sermon, accepting / listening to the sermon, and parrinibanna.
Somdej Kang Lang Roob Meurn Luang Phor Moon (
Phra Somdej with Luang Phor Moon self image at the back)
This rare Phra Somdej series were made in BE 2513 ( 1969 ).
There are several types and postures of Phra Somdej by Luang Phor Moon. The
amulet was made of sacred old powder with the mixture of broken Somdej Wat
Barnkhunphrom and Wat Rakang.
Do forgive me 4 the amateur photos capturing !
Rian Roon Raek Phim Yai, Luang Phor Moon (1st batch coin )
This Rian Roon Raek Phim Yai ( 1st batch self
image, big mould ) of Luang Phor Moon Ya Sa Roh, the abbot of Wat Khao
Daeng Tawarn Ork, Phathalung was made in BE 2516 ( 1972 ). This batch called
Rian Roon Raek Phim Niyom ( Sai Fon ). This Roon Raek rian sought after by the
Phathalung amulets die hard especially Luang Phor Moon’s. The price of this
rian is amazing and can cost you up to the nose. My friend used to offer me RM
800 for this rian Roon Raek. When I asked him why, he just smiled and said ……..
“Very hard to find, I love it and worth
to keep !”
Do forgive me 4 the amateur photos capturing !
Rian Roon Raek
Phim Lek, Luang Phor Moon (1st batch coin )
This Rian Roon Raek Phim Lek ( 1st batch self
image, small mould ) of Luang Phor Moon of Wat Khao Daeng Tawarn Ork,
Phathalung was made in BE 2516 ( 1972 ). This Roon Raek rian sought after by
the Phathalung amulets die hard especially Luang Phor Moon’s. Luang Phor Moon
said, this phim lek is suitable for bothe women and children. The price of this
rian is amazing. Besides phim yai, my friend used to offer me RM 500 for this
phim lek rian
Do forgive me 4 the amateur photos capturing !
Roob Meurn
Luang Phor Moon
This wanj and sacred powder type
self image of Luang Phor Moon was made in BE 2516 ( 1972 ).
Experienced !
Personal experienced to be shared ……… from my personal
experienced of hanging / clipping / bringing Luang Phor Moon’s stuffs. I think
that all range of Luang Phor Moon’s Phra Kreung are superb for Khlew Khad,
Khong Krapan Chatri and Amnaj, especially his BE2497 amulets series; ( Phra Naprok
and Phra Chau Ha Phra Ong ).
Taking his Phra Chau Ha Phra Ong for an example, I
experienced a great super power of adrenaline flowing inside my body. I gained
confident and endowed with the Maha Amnaj power of ruling and commanding people
! Although I’m wearing my Than Kong @ Tok Raja stuffs and Than Lek’s takrut, I think this
Phra Chau Phra Ong makes my Than Kong’s stuffs more powerful ! Perhaps, because
of the 5 Buddhas’s supreme power embedded in the amulets, plus the sacred wanj
materials used to create the amulets and of course from the great wichah and
samadhi power of late Luang Phor Moon. Hahahahahaha don’t get me wrong. I’m not
promoting any. Merely sharing !
In a nutshell, Luang Phor Moon stuffs are marvelous, simply
marvelous. He is one of the great present time guru monks. Especially from the
Southern Thai ! Grab, if you see one !
Do forgive me 4 the amateur photos capturing !
Merely Sharing !
Correct me, if I’m wrong !
Sabbe satta sukhita hontuk !
Sadhu ! sadhu !
Wiesukhihotu 12 !