Phor Than Noon or Than Noon is one of the late Phor Than Lek's disciples. According to Than Noon, Than Lek was his achan for almost 8 years before his Parinibanna. He studies some complicated Wichah sciences from Than Lek. Than Noon is well known by Kelantanese and local Pauh Lima folks as a monk with BOMOH expertises.
As far as i concerned, Than Noon has a supernatural power of healing people who suffers from black magic, sending back the black magic to the owner / sender, discarding and dispelling ghost and evil forces, and making a good tongkat too.
Besides Than Lek, Than Noon also studies Wichah from late Chau Lor and Chau Su. ( Than Lek's nephew and old disciples ). He learns on how to make a Takrut See Yord - 4 direction of usages takrut and sciences of making a sacred Khan Phai tongkat according to Than Lek's Khan Phai tongkat secret.
Than Noon also make a rare a superb Takrut Khan Khun Saei - Phor Than Lin Dam - Or Cit of Wat Naka, Kedah. ( Not sure whether he's still making such takrut or not ). This takrut is a superb takrut for discarding and keeping away your enemies. This takrut also good for distracting the back stabber.
Than Noon also help people to DISTRACT bad people or enemies with his WICHAH CHANG ( Elephant's spell - not helping all, just for desperate and can't be avoided ). Than Noon used to help my late brother in law to distract the back stabber colleague. A miracle happened and within 7 days this back stabber came and appologise. He said he feels so guilty and every night when he goes to sleep and try to close his eyes, the only thing that he can see is my brother in law's face. He suffered from insomnia. Seek for my brother in law forgiveness.
In helping those who are suffered from voodoo and black magic. Than Noon uses a young coconut as his main medium. He will use 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 or 11 coconuts to cure the black magic victims. Depend on the seriousness of the victim. The blessed coconut (s) will be given to the victim to be drank. If the problem are serious the victims will suffer from a mild to serious vomitting and diarrhea.
Than Noon also owned a superb charming oil ( Pengasih Cenuai Panggir - indigenous people charming oil with flower ), given to him by Orang Asli from Pahang. This oil is superb for a problem couple and saving the broken family. He also uses this Cenuai Panggir as a match makers tool for a new couple who are going to tie the knot......should try wo !
Furhermore, Than Noon also has endowed with a predicting power. He can predict and foretell the things that's going to happend and in some cases, Than Noon is able to tell you precisely about the things had happend by just using his special Mai Thaw / Tongkat.
Mai Thaw in Than Noon's bag ( above pic - his left hand side )

The photo taken during 1st Anniversary of my late mom. We are lucky enough because Than Noon attended and led the Suat Mornt ( praying ) and Sai bart ceremonies on that particular day. Than Noon quite closed to our family as my elder sister and bro in law are Than Noon close follower. Than Noon used to stayed at my sister house ( not exceeded 3 days ) in Kuantan before they transfered back to Kelantan in early 2000.
Than Noon used to stayed at my sister house while he's visiting his disciples in Kuantan ,Temerloh and Segamat. Than Noon also used to stayed and be a guest monk in Wat Sungai Soi, Kuantan and even used to completed his Khau Phansa there. ( somewhere around early 1990's )
Merely Sharing !
Sabbe Satta Sukhita Hontuk !
Sadhu ! Sadhu !
wie.sukhihotu10 !